perjantai 14. marraskuuta 2014

And the good old hockey game, is the best game you can name

Mun ekoja kysymyksia mun hostperheelta oli, etta onko taalla mahdollisuus pelata jaakiekkoa. Pienten selvitysten ja tutkimusten jalkeen selvisi, etta mahdollisuus on. Ja siita lahti prosessi, kuinka musta tuli Warrior! Alpena Warriors ei siis ole yhteydessa high schooliin, vaan se on erillinen pieni tyttojen jaakiekkojoukkue.

One of my first questions to my hostfamily was, that will I be able to play hockey there. After a little investigations it became clear that there is a possibility for that. And that started the process for me becoming a Warrior! Alpena Warriors is not connected to high school, it's a small, girl's hockey team. 

Joukkueessa meita on pelaajia ikahaarukalla 12-18. Tykkaan mun joukkueesta tosi paljon, vaikkei ollakaan kovin paljon yhdessa viela oltu. Joukkueella on takana 4 pelia, ja mulla kaksi. Paperisotkujen takia, en voinut pelata kahdessa ekassa pelissa, koska "en ole yhdysvaltain kansalainen ja plaap, plaap, plaap" niista kuitenkin selvittiin ja kun olin kahdessa pelissa ensin ollut luukunavaajana, paasin viimein itekin jaalle.

In the team there are girls aged 12-18. I already like my team a lot even though we have been together only for a little while. Others have played 4 games and I've played 2. Because of the paperwork I couldn't play in the first two games, because "I am not the citizen of the United States and blaab, blaab, blaab" I survived all of this and after being two games as a door opener I finally made it to the ice.

Eka peli (jossa en siis pelannut) me pelattiin Manistiquessa. Olin joukkueen mukana, koska halusin paasta juttuun mukaan ja olla mukana tukemassa. Peli oli siis kauden eka, me kaikki oltiin vahan hermostuneita, ja kaiken lisaksi meilla on joukkueessa muutama pelaaja, jotka ei oo ikina pelannut jaakiekkoa ja luisteleminen on valilla vahan hakusessa. Tan yhtalon tuloksena havittiin meidan eka peli 5-0. Toinen peli pelattiin pari tuntia ekan pelin jalkeen ja sekin tietysti Manistiqueta vastaan. Pelattiin paljon paremmin mita ekassa pelissa ja mentiin heti pelin alussa 1-0 johtoon. Sen jalkeen 2-0 ja niin edelleen. Sen jalkeen Manistique kavensi 2-1, mutta me tehtiin pian taas 3-1. Pelattiin 3-1 johtoasemassa ihan pelin loppuhetkille asti kunnes noin nelja minuuttia ennen loppua saatiin jaahy. Manistique kavensi 3-2 ja tottakai muutama sekunti ennen loppua ne tasotti ilman maalivahtia 3-3. Ei pelattu jatkoaikaa eika mitaan vaan peli paattyi siis tasan. Eika se tasapeli kovin hyvalta maistunut, vaikka havittiinkin eka peli 5-0. Reissu oli sinansa hieno. Oli mukava olla joukkueen kanssa, vaikka pelkka pelin kattominen penkilta olikin turhauttavaa. Ainakin auringonnousu Mackinaw Bridgella oli aivan alyttoman kaunis!

First game (which I didn't play) we played in Manistique. I was with the team anyway, because I wanted to get in and be there for my team. The game was the first of the season, we were all little bit nervous and we also had couple of players in our team who had never played hockey before and even skating was little bit difficult for them. As a result of these things we lost our first game 5-0. We played second game only couple hours after the first game and against Manistique of course. We played way better than in the first game and we scored 1-0 at the very beginning of the game. After that 2-0 etc. Anyway Manistique scored 2-1 but we made it 3-1 soon. We were winning 3-1 for a long time until it was maybe 4 minutes left from the game, we got a penalty and Manistique scored 3-2. Then they took their goalie away and scored 3-3 only a few seconds before the game ended. We didn't have overtime or anything, that was it. We played tied 3-3 and it didn't feel good even though we lost the first game 5-0. Anyway the trip was great. It was nice to be with the team, even though only watching the game on the bench was frustrating. At least sunrise from Mackinaw Bridge was incredible!

Seuraavana viikonloppuna ma paasin sitten itekin pelaamaan. Pelattiin kaks pelia Traverse Citya vastaan ja havittiin molemmat. Hyva puoli tassa on se, etta kuten meidan valmentaja sanoi. "Niiden joukkue on jo melko paljon parhaimmillaan, ne ei tuu enaa paljon tan kauden aikana kehittymaan, kun taas meidan joukkue tulee kehittymaan ihan valtavasti." Havittiin viela melkosilla teurastuslukemilla, en ees muista kuinka monta maalia ne iski meidan paahan. Oli kuitenkin alyttoman kiva pelata, sain ylivoima-aikaa ja alivoima-aikaa ja pelasin myos melko paljon tasakentallisilla, joten olin alyttoman tyytyvainen. Tottakai tappio harmitti, mutta totta puhuen ei meilla olis niita vastaan ollutkaan minkaanlaista saumaa.

Next weekend I finally got to play. We played two games against Traverse City and we lost both of the games. The good thing is that as our coach said" this is pretty much their best team and they are gonna improve only a little but we are gonna improve a lot." The games were pretty much slaughters, I don't even remember how many goals TC scored. It was still fun to play and I enjoyed it a lot. I got a lot of ice time, powerplay, penalty kill and so on. Of course I was annoyed because of the loss, but to be honest we didn't have any chances to beat them anyway.

Harjotukset meilla on ainoastaan kaks kertaa viikossa. Maanantaisin ja Keskiviikkosin. Vahan harmi, etta harjotellaan niin harvoin, mutta ainakin harkat on aina sitakin mukavammat. Tykkaan meidan joukkueen pikkutytoista varsinkin ihan alyttoman paljon. Ne on mulle vahan niinkuin pikkusiskoja. Yhen niista itseasiassa oli tarkotus ollakin mun pikkusisko. Sain ekoissa harkoissa kuulla, etta sen perhe meinas hostata, mua, mutta taa tytto ei sitten ollut halunnut hahaha (nyt se kylla katuu sita) Hassua tassa on se, etta mua oli siis katellut kaks perhetta, molemmat Alpenasta. Mut on ilmiselvasti tarkotettu tanne hahah.

We have practices only twice in a week. On Mondays and on Wednesdays. Too bad that we practice only so rarely, but at least I then like to practice. I love our team's little girls. They are pretty much like little sisters to me. In fact one of them was supposed to be my little sister. At the first practice that girl told me that they were about to host me but then she didn't want to do that hahah (she regrets it now though) The funny thing is that at least two families wanted to host me and both of them were from Alpena. Obviously I was meant to be here hahah.

Seuraavat pelit meilla on vasta joulukuun alussa. Se onkin kolmen paivan mittanen turnaus taalla Alpenassa, joten se tulee olemaan superhauskaa! En millaan malttas oottaa kolmee viikkoo, etta paasen taas pelaamaan, mutta minkas teet. Meilla tulee luultavasti myos jossain vaiheessa kautta olemaan turnaus Wisconsinissa, ja toivon niin paljon, etta se onnistuu! Anyway. Ma melko paljon rakastan mun jaakiekkojoukkuetta jo nyt.

We will have our next games at the beginning of December. We will have a tournament here in Alpena and I'm sure it's gonna be super fun! I can't wait three weeks until I get to play again but no can do. Apparently we will also have a tournament in Wisconsin at some point and I really, really hope that we will actually do that! Anyway, I pretty much love my team already.

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